19 feb. 2012

...Lifetime of disappointments...

…She stands on a cliff at the shoreline…She’s full of sorrow and regrets…She feels she’s let down the one person who’s been next to her all that time when she needed it…She knows he’s done everything for her and has been by her side all the times when it mattered…She feels so useless, she feels she’s thrown all her youth away and that she could’ve done more…and she should’ve…but she chose to just have a great time in life while she was still young…and she has…but she couldn’t see that he’s been in her life for an eternity and from all the people, he was the one who got to her the most…but she wouldn’t even consider him as a possible boyfriend, let alone spending the rest of her life by his side…
In order for all of these to have any sense, I will take you twenty-three years ago, when both of them were at the peak of their life…They were both fifteen, he was just a little bit older than her, but that didn’t change anything. You could say they were best friends at that time. They understood each other so well, they were talking a lot, on messenger, by texts, on the phone, it didn’t matter…What can I say, they were best friends. They were both studying at the same high school and were desk mates. His dream was to become a railway engineer, and hers’, to be a singer…They were seeing each other almost daily. They were talking about everything. It didn’t matter for them, because they knew they can help the other in any matter because they were the only one who were getting along that well. They were practically inseparable, excepting the fact that they didn’t share a bed in a condo. They’ve just met and it was the beginning of high school. For them, it was like instant chemistry and you could say they felt it even before it even started. At least, they met, they talked…a lot…and about anything and everything. They had so much to share, so many things in common, so many things to talk about, because they both saw that they agreed so well on most of things and hated almost the same, as well…And even all the way through high school, they were best friends and no one could stay between them because they looked so strong, so confident together, they had each other and there wasn’t a thing that could separate them. They practically flew by through high school and both got in college, were they…continued everything they had started almost four years ago…
Now, they were both adults and things seemed to change a little bit…At first, they continued their friendship on the same note, sharing everything and talking about anything. The time flew by them and they were already in the first semester of their sophomore year…They were both getting back from the summer break. He had just returned from New Zealand, the country he has always wanted to visit, and, for him, it was heaven on Earth. The trip was extraordinary and he’s done everything he has dreamed for a lifetime…He studied about the Maori civilization, he saw the wonderful mountains, and climbed almost all of them, he even learned how to play rugby, from his favorite team, the New Zealand national rugby team, the “All Blacks”…For him, this trip had just one flaw…She wasn’t there along with him…Because, for all this time, he had cared for her more than he believed, and being away from her made him realize that she was the one thing that was missing in his life…The more and more time he spent away from her, he realized that she is the one for him and that he would be nothing but a bitter disappointment in his eyes if he didn’t have her next to him for the rest of his life…He even thought about it all this time, he had changed his mind several times, he thought he was just confused and that he hadn’t known until then how it is to have a true friendship that lasts for a long time…But he even tried to approach this problem in different ways…He hadn’t accomplished anything…Now, for him, it was a big matter, for several reasons…One of them stood above everything: “they were friends”…and that was all that they would ever be. Unfortunately, he had to return to his native country and continue his studies…Shortly after he returned, they met…But there was something different. She was still happy as always, as he’ll forever recall her, but there was a reason for that…She was engaged…I know, now you will say that people don’t get engaged after just one summer together, but she had a certain particularity in her personality, which made her the perfect person for him, she was always spontaneous…He could even recall all those nights in their first year in college, where she would call him in the middle of the night, it was spring, and they hung out until sunrise, because they both loved to see it with any occasion…But now, getting back at that moment, she was with another guy, and…Things between them didn’t seem to go as well as they did before…They were still taking, like once every two or three days, but it was different…He felt thrown away, like some used shirt that you just leave somewhere and forget about it…And he felt abandoned, too…She had now someone else to share everything and, above all, she seemed to have strong feelings for that guy(shortly, she got to marry him)…He tried to keep everything bottled up and, for a fair amount of time, he had managed to do that with success. Years went by, he finished his studies (she never got to finish hers, being married several times) and got a job offer in a very successful company in Monte Carlo…He accepted it on the spot, hoping that he would be too concerned about his job and that he would forget about her. But she remained behind, married and deep in love with her current husband. He had to leave, he had no other choice but to suffer for the rest of his life…At that point, when he left the country, he called her to meet and talk, for that is a very important thing in his life and that he felt that he had to share it with his closest friend…But she refused, telling him that she was going out with her husband and that she couldn’t do anything about it…That was the only thing he needed to know: she didn’t want to have anything to do with him, because she was happy and didn’t want to share that with anyone but her husband…
He quickly packed up his things and got in the first flight to Monte Carlo. He hadn’t mentioned any of it to her, because he didn’t want to disturb her perfect life with anything…The next day, he was already there, checked into a hotel and ready to start a new life, doing everything that he had dreamed of. He started working and he was as happy as he would ever be. Professionally, he was doing great, in fact, he was at his best, he had great co-workers which made his job even better. Shortly, he started to meet new people, which became his friends, because he was so talkative and open to everything new…He even managed to buy his own place in less than three months and had more money than he knew what to do with them…On these plans, he was doing amazing, and had all the time in the world to be more focused on his current life and job, and because of those things, in two years-time he got to be the CEO of that company, which now was worldwide spread and had headquarters on every continent…His life couldn’t be more successful…He had designed a revolutionary system to build railway tunnels on long distances underwater and owned more than 70%  of all the railways in the world and, because of that, he got to be in the top twenty most richest people in the world…He had visited everything that there is to visit, he climbed up the Everest, he had done successful expeditions in the Rub-al-Khad visited everything that there is to visit, he climbed up the Everest hali, the Antarctica and The North Pole. He was still fascinated about all kinds of animals in the world and had created natural reservations for them all around the world, in order for them to avoid extinction. Three was nothing for him to do next, but the one thing he never managed to accomplish…”She” wasn’t there for him…In his social life, he was doing fantastic, everybody liked him, because he truly was a unique person which anybody would want to have in their life. He knew how to a true friend and had lots of partners all over the world and kept good business relationships with all of them…But he has unfulfilled…Why?...Because of “Her”…Because she didn’t exist for him and because he had failed to confess his feelings long time ago, when he was supposed to…Now, twenty-three years later, he’s standing on the deck of his Monte Carlo house and he prepares to deliver a message which, by the time he would finish what was on his heart and get to the one person that needed to see that message, would end his life…He turns on the recording camera, he is wearing the black tuxedo that mattered so much to him(he had worn it the first time at his prom where he and she were declared king and queen of the prom…he knew she would recognize it)…He is now talking on a lowered voice about all the things he had been doing all this time he was away and the one true blank spot in his life was her and that he is tired of everything and wants to end, because he would not endure any more suffering…He is full of regrets…You could tell that by his lowered look(not even could he look straight into her eyes)…He finishes what he had to say by telling her he would be dead by the time she got the tape and that he is sorry for everything wrong he has ever done to her…He ends the message with a short “I will forever love you” and closes the camera…He would now proceed to hang himself...
In the same day…She gets the tape, she was now divorced the fourth time, after four unsuccessful marriages, she plays the tape, she watches it through the end and…She is blown…She never saw it, it was obvious to her all this time, but she never considered it a possibility…She , then, bursts into tears and tries to get away as soon as possible…She goes to the one place she felt like home at every time in her life…The seaside…And now, we’re back in the present time…She is now, forty-two…she’s been through a rough life and she realizes that her true life should’ve been by his side…She is standing on those cliffs, she is full of tears and, on that instant, decides it is time to end her life as well, because right at that moment she realized that her life has no meaning anymore…She jumps…she gets crushed by the massive rocks…And dies…
 ...And that was it...After a lifetime of struggling...After going through so many things...They both ended dead...his ashes are now at the Eden Park Stadium of Auckland and her body is buried into the sea and, at the end of their lives, they left nothing behind and went through all these for nothing...They've gone through hell just to die...

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