you know how it feels? Do you have any idea what it is like to be the way I
am?...No, you don’t. But of course you don’t, you’re not me…You never were and
most definitely won’t. But do you know why I’m asking?...You can’t figure that
out either, no surprise there…And yet, from the two of us, I am the one who
still can’t find the right path, the right answer…And that’s because you’re not
even trying to get beneath the question. But I don’t mind, I could never hold
anything negative against you. From the two of us, I am the one who is trying
day after day, night after night to find a way to make this right…To make this
work and be, for once in my life, settled, care-free and contempt with
myself…And it seems that no matter how hard I struggle, how hard I fight, it
doesn’t even matter anymore if I try or not…The result will always be same one
I have concluded for all this time…You probably still don’t have even the
slightest idea of what I am talking about…And you’re right to be (by now, you
probably even lost interest in this, and I don’t blame you). So, without any
other introduction, I will proceed straight to my point. The thing I’ve been
trying to fight, I’ve been trying figure out…Is loneliness, isolation…Not being
able to find that one thing that seemed to have always slipped through the tips
of my fingers…
know, for quite a time, I thought I will never be able to find the answer. But,
no matter how hard it got to go through the nights or how punishing it was, I
had never given up, although that crossed my mind more than a few times...And,
finally, the answer came to me…and it was YOU…Yes, it is true. For all this
time, the answer was right in front of me…For so many lost nights I had stayed
up until the dusk, wanting to give up, willing to lose any hope,
self-sacrificing myself into an excruciating fate of solitude and sorrowful
regrets…But, no matter how dark was the sky at night, no matter if any stars
were there for me…I’ve fought my battles and, finally, came to the end of the
imprisoning incertitude…You are here, and I am finally aware of you presence.
still…you have no idea who is YOU, do you? Well, of course you don’t…How could
you? YOU is, in fact, a woman…YOU is “the woman”…each and every single one of
them. And you want to know why? Because I, being a man, will always be
attracted to you and will always keep you safe by my side, doing the best there
is to be done to protect you from harms…Because I want you in my arms, at the
end of the day, looking out the window, see the perfect sunset and know that
this is all I ever wanted and as long as I have you…No wrong will be done to
me. Because I want to give you the first snowdrop in the spring…I want to take
you in my arms whenever I hear our song and, with your head lying on my chest,
slowly start dancing…I want to get to sleep with your arms wrapped around my
waist…I want to hold you in my arms and smell your beautiful ocean-scented
fragrance…I want to do all these things, and so many more…Because you deserve
it, because, in my eyes, you’re the only one who will ever make me feel
right…Because…I love you. I know, these days, the word itself has been
denigrated, ran over by the nobodies of the world…Because they had never known
the purity of the feeling and never will…Because love isn’t for anyone… Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it
does not boast and it’s not proud. It does not dishonor others, it’s not
self-seeking, it is not easily angered and it keeps no record of wrongs. Love
does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects,
always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love is the
desire to give up what is yours to another and
feel as if her happiness is yours. Love is the
one way to make a part of your dreams come to life. Love doesn’t mean staring
at one another, it means looking together in the same direction. Love is the
time and space, all measured up with your heart. Love is not the resemblance of
two persons, but the mistery between them. Love is the glow that turns the daily
society’s dust into golden fog…But overall,
love never fails…For so long, love has been replaced by vulgarity, alongside
with shallowness and insensibility…Well, I am no like that. Comparing with the fantasy
love stories that I got in my head, all these are nothing but carnal sins,
proving once again that human being has gotten to far from the original state,
being closer to a eternal damnation to suffering than salvation from the self-induced
I’ve grown to be sick and tired of all these…I’ve had enough of this social
degradation of the sick human mind…I want to live and love…And truth to be told…I
would always choose to love and be loved by the same person at any point of my
life, because then, at that very point, I would be most certain that I have the
only three things that matter: ”I am at the right place, at the right time and
by the only person that truly matters”…I often get this question crossed me by
a lot of people: “If you had to choose between money and love, what would your
pick be?”…I just want to say that the answer will always be the same and will
come in the same way, in a heart beat: “Definitely, love”. And the certainty
will come from this one single scenario that I dream of and will probably never
going to be able to get out of my head: “I am in my mid-thirties, I am at home,
my own home, with my family…It’s late, the sun has set for some time now and I get
to bed. I stop by my daughter’s bedroom and watch her sleep…She’s the light of
my life and she couldn’t be more beautiful…I am standing by her door and
silently admire her when my wife comes and, form the back, takes me in her arms,
her skin is soft like silk and her scent lights my day, kissing my neck and
telling me how grateful she is that I am always there for them and that she
would give up everything just to know that her only offspring is fine…I turn
towards her…She is as gorgeous as the first day I saw her (my little angel
resembles her so much) and I feel that is the right place to be…I will forever
love her and would never give up on her, not even the world would come to an
end…I’ll always be the man she needs, the husband she relies on and the friend
she trusts…”. Call me brain-damaged…I don’t care. That is the perfect scenario
for me. And you want to know why? Because I would have love…Love can make me
take on everyone, get through the worst nightmares, the most punishing
depressions and the loneliest days of my life…As far as I know there will
always be somebody at the other end who is willing to share my suffering and
get me out of it because I mean something to her...I can rise above any sorrow,
disappointment or regret...
up people!!! Where there is no love…there is no humanity…Without love we are
nothing but machines punished to endure the same Sisyphus’s rut each and every
day, without any escape…Love makes people dream, makes them think, makes them
believe… Believe there is deliverance, and that their resolve is a beautiful
one, making cheerful and contempt with themselves, because then, and no moment
else, people would know that their life hadn’t been in vain…Love makes people
go wild with their feelings…It messes up all your organism…You can’t breathe
easy, your heart is going nuts and you’re not able to think at all…Yes, it is
true, love does make people make stupid decision that they give very little
thought of…But the rush is unbelievable…Without love, people are numb, they are
bored and they go deep inside dark depressions…Boredom is the
unstable equilibrium of the void of the world and emptiness of heart, that
would mean numbness, if we weren’t aware
of the secret desire
that lies within each and everyone of them...This is nothing but my
point of view…Actually, it’s more than that…It’s a wake up call…To each and
everyone of you…And if I had made one person give it a thought, then that would
mean I hadn’t lived for nothing…Feelings make us who we are…Nowadays, the
others know you by your wisdom or stupidity, whether you’re beautiful or not…Feelings
don’t matter any more, and that leads to further degradation of the current
society, and that would mean that we had been going a long time through history…accomplishing
I love
you, woman! I love you, because you make me smile when I have a bad day, because
you make me cry when I realize how fortunate I am to have you by my side,
because you grab my body in your arms and take my head to your chest and make
me truly believe that no matter what happens, we will always be all right,
because I wake up with you in my mind every day and feel confident about
myself, because every night I get to bed I got you in my dreams, because you
are the one who listens to my problems and you are the one that gets the
through them, because you are the one who gives me the good advice when I need
it, because you kiss me every time I need you, because your voice will pull me
to the surface from every letdown, because the touch of your skin makes me
dream with my eyes wide open, because your scent makes me feel I can fly,
because your eyes put a spell on my heart, because your smile takes me to that
special place where I have fallen in love with you, because …Because without
you…I don’t exist…
And that’s
why…Above all…I love you, woman!
Bogdan draga, din punctul meu de vedere tie ti-ar trebui un "wake up call". Lumea e rea, iar ceea ce visezi, fiica ta superba, sotia care iti e recunoscatoare...imi pare rau, se intampla doar in filme. Lumea e rea, e haina, iar ceea ce ai descris mai sus se intampla foooooaaaarte rar. Nu mai visa. Trezeste-te si priveste in juru-ti. Nimic nu e roz.