The only truth that matters is the truth that can’t be
measured. Intentions don’t count, what’s in your heart doesn’t count, caring
doesn’t count. But a man’s life can be measured…by how many tears are shed when
he dies. But you can’t measure them, because you don’t want to measure them…It
doesn’t mean that it’s not real. And even if I’m wrong, I’m still miserable…Do
I believe my life’s purpose was to sacrifice myself and get noting in return? No!
I believe my life has no purpose…Even the few people that accept me, I dismiss.
I take the one decent thing in my life and I taint it, strip it of all
meaning…I’m miserable for nothing and I don’t know why I want to live…And the
worst part of it is…It means nothing
12 sept. 2012
5 iun. 2012
I always believed the little things
make our life better. When everything seems to come out of the ordinary and
just makes your day. And you might even believe that most of the people don’t
have this chance in their lives and that they keep crawling in the same
horrific fate every day, not being able to liberate themselves from the
Sisyphus’s curse . Well, what can I tell you, I consider myself to be one of
the lucky ones alive because I try. I try every day to make my life better to
take it out of the ordinary as much as I can so I can enjoy every single bit of
it at it’s fullest. Even now, when I’m writing about my life I think about my
next step, my next thought, the next event and how will that change the course
of my life. This story is about taking chances, stepping up to the challenge
and bonding with someone completely unknown. This is about finding friends in
unexpected places and getting to know them better even if you have absolutely
no guarantees that it will last.
It was a chilly morning in the big
city and I, as always, was heading to school. As soon as I close the door
behind me I realize that I had run out of bus tickets and that I should stop
and buy some. When I got there I saw a young lady in front of me who was trying
to communicate with the cashier using signs, rather than words. I suddenly
realized that she was a tourist from abroad and she was trying to get to the
city airport. I have to admit that, at first, I hesitated a little bit because
I wasn’t completely confident in my foreign language skills, because I am a
regular English speaker, but my French, to be honest, isn’t that good so I
could have a conversation in it. Luckily, I soon found out that the young lady
was able to speak in English, too. I offered myself to help with the translation.
I got her the ticket she needed but I also realized that she had absolutely no
idea what bus to take and how far was she supposed to go until she had reached
her destination. At that moment I realized that this is what makes our lives
better, getting out of the ordinary. So, I told her that she doesn’t need to be
worried because I will go with her and make sure she got to the airport safely
and in time. Soon, the right bus came in and we got in it. We found our places
and started talking, and my, we talked. I found out that her name is Danielle
and she came all the way from Switzerland
to spend the Easter break with a classmate who originated from this country.
She also told me that she is currently having her Masters Degree in Foreign
Relations (that was the moment I realized where she knew all those languages
from). She was a current speaker of English, French, Italian and also Arabic. I
have to admit, I considered her amazing since the first words that came out of
her mouth. She was pretty, well-read and she was friendly, too. And then, we
started talking…About our lives, hobbies, books, sports…And the more we talked,
the more I realized that I actually like her, for her long brown hair, her deep
green eyes and her strawberry-scented fragrance. That was the moment when I
started asking myself if this could be more that a one-day-thing, if she could
remember me when she’s gone and if I could think of this as just a common
friendship. We talked all the way to the airport, about all kinds of things, things
that we both liked and soon, we would come to realize that we are pretty much
alike. We both loved rock music, but also knew to enjoy the majesty of
classical music. We were in love with the art of photography and cinematography
but also, big fan of sports like tennis, basketball and football, but also
snooker, cycling and ice-skating. And then, I believe it was the moment when
she felt it, too. She was talking to me about all kinds of things, but I could
see it in her candle-lit eyes that, by the second, she was feeling a lot more
comfortable around me and that she wouldn’t want to leave, unless she really
had to. Sadly, as I said earlier, she had to fly home in that same day. When we
finally arrived at the airport she found out that there is a late flight,
around 8:00 p.m., which
wasn’t completely booked and she could get a ticket to go home. So, in that
very moment, she decided that she wanted to stay just a little bit more, to
just spend time with me, because now she could sense my feelings, too. And my
feelings were not telling any lie, I was deeply in love with her and she felt
the same way.
We decided to go back to town to go
see a movie or a play, something that we could both enjoy. We first stopped by
my place so I can get my car and then we went to a big movie theater and got
two tickets to Butterfly Effect, and it was amazing. It was that psychedelic
type drama that we loved and which leaves you jaw-dropped and makes you
reanalyze your life. After that, we went to have a drink and…talk some more.
This time, I chose a more intimate place, somewhere in an underground bar where
there the soft rock in the background just whispers to you, instead of crushing
your eardrums. She seemed to really enjoy the glowing candles the rose scent in
the air and the quiet atmosphere inside the bar. This time we decided to talk a
lot more about personal issues, about feelings and what is going on,
psychologically and sentimentally, in our lives. I went first and told her how,
lately, my love life has been a total disaster, how I was losing confidence
from being rejected too many times and how I was on the point of giving up to
my sentimental side so I could move on with my life, because I was only 20 and
I had to continue this inner battle until I would have reached the end of my
days. I also told her how, a year before, my high school left me for another
man and how, after four long years of relationship, I realized that there can
be only one moment that can change the fate of the relationship, and turn your
life upside down. She expressed her deepest apologies for what happened and I
told her she had done nothing wrong and that she shouldn’t apologize for
something that she didn’t do. Then, it was her turn to tell the story of her
love life. I found out that she was quite in the same spot as I was, only she
was single for two years. Two years in which she tried her best to focus on
school, family and friends, the things that really matter in life. I was sorry
that she had to go through that and expressed my doubts about the intelligence
of the man who would let such a beautiful, intelligent woman to get away. We
kept talking and felt that, with every second and every word, we got closer and
closer to each other.
Hours had passed and we both felt
like this is the right thing to do, just get to know a complete stranger, who
happened to be very exciting. At some point I even considered going even
further with this whole thing, but I was afraid I was going to set foot out of
boundaries and lose an amazing connection, so I hesitated. But she, as things
were about to tell me later, she wouldn’t think twice of getting what she
wanted. It was just one moment that made the difference, just one moment that
would define the whole day and both of us, as well. And this how, those few
seconds changed the entire course of events: I leaned forward to get my cup of
tea and, as I tried to grab it, she takes in hand into hers and looks into my
eyes…I must admit, I was a bit frightened for what was about to happen, but
getting back to the story…she fixed me with her big green eyes and told me:
“Daniel, I like you” and softly, she put her hands behind my neck and leaned
towards to kiss me…this the moment I’ve been waiting this whole time, this is
the moment I’ve been talking all along, the one that makes not only your day,
but your life seem better, for that moment is priceless and should not be
forgotten…So I leaned towards her, too and we kissed…And, my God, it was
amazing…The soft touch of her cherry-flavored lips, her tongue and mine gently
touching one another in this perfect moment which I wished had never
stopped…Those seconds seemed to go on forever as we expressed our deepest
feelings and everything seemed so perfect I wish she and I had never let
go…But, as every perfect moment in life, it was just for a few seconds and then
it stopped. I could notice her candle-lit eyes, her soft mouth, the blush in
her cheeks, the dark hair flowing on her shoulders…In my eyes and in the
following moments, she was the best thing that could ever happen to me…But the
minutes of sublime love, because that was just what happened, had passed and
soon, reality was about to take it’s rightful place in out lives. We realized
the she was behind her schedule and that she needed to get to the airport as
soon as possible. I went with her to just get the chance to say a proper
“Good-bye”. So, we finally arrived at the airport, it was 7:30 p.m. and she
still got time to catch her flight. It was, perhaps, the second most saddest
thing that had ever happened to me, because I realized that I would never get
the chance to see her again and that moments will be forever lost…And the worst
part of it was that neither me or her could do anything about it…She gave me a
big hug, kissed me again, but the magic of the moment had passed…She started
walking towards the gates and turned back for one last time and I could see her
eyes flushed with tears…I have to say, that was the moment that just ripped my
heart out, because never before had I felt such disappointment, such sorrow for
the perfect girl and the perfect future life had slipped through my
fingertips…I know I will never forget her, because she, in her unknown way, gave
me back my confidence in feelings…And when I could finally see the gates
closing behind her, I turned around and got home…
And as I was getting home, I open
my e-mail on my Iphone and find out she had sent me a short mail which she had
written the following: “I truly love you and I will anything that stands within
my powers to have you by my side for the rest of my life”…In that moment, I
burst into tears and I cried…I pulled my car over to the side of the road, got
out of it and, it was raining, I point my eyes straight to the skies and cry
myself out…It was all so painful, those minutes can’t be described or compared
to anything…Feeling helpless, I could not see any silver lining at that point of my life...I was just standing out in the rain and hoped that it will be all washed away,but it didn't...Those moments were some of the few moments in life when you can literally feel the excruciating pain building up inside of you and smashing your feelings in unreachable little bits that you will never manage to put together again...I tried, I tried so hard to pull myself up, but I just couldn't...As the tears were flowing down my face, I realized sorrow and loneliness are the worst things you can go through, but having to deal with both, at the same time...My opinion is that nobody should ever have to get through that...Having to watch possibly your last chance to happiness slipping through your fingertips, and getting flooded by all those "demotions"...And then, I figured that this is what my life was going to be until I will see her again, and more suffering was brought upon me...
…And that was it…Love at first
sight...Gave me the most beautiful moments in my life and then, torn my heart
12 mar. 2012
Love story...
It was a cold winter evening and I
was on vacation, visiting my grandparents. I was sitting next to the fireplace
with grandpa and we were playing chess and talking about what was going on my
life, how was it to be in college and what changes have I done to my life since
I left home. From time to time grandma would come in with cups of mulled wine
and sit next to us, just to listen to us and check out if I am all right…And I
was, because I was reminiscing all the things that happened throughout my
childhood in that very house, and being next to my grandparents, talking to
them, seeing the gleam in their eyes, because I’ve grown up and I am able now
to talk straight to them and show them how mature I am…After all, it’s been a
whole year since I haven’t seen them and I was enjoying it to its fullest.
The hours went past us as we were
heading deeper into the night, enjoying the hot wine, playing the game me and
grandpa were playing for so long and even if it was late in the night, we were
passed 2 a.m., the night was still young. Just as we finished yet another
game, my exhausted grandma finally went
to bed...In the moment she walked out of the room, grandpa leaned back on his
old armchair and looked directly to my eyes...I have to admit, I had no idea
what was going through his mind, so I proposed another game, but he refused
saying that the time for games is done…For a few seconds I was stunned, I had
never seen my grandfather so steady…And then he asked me the question I feared
the most, because he had always known what’s going on in my life(he could read
me like an open book and knew me better than his own pockets): “How are things
going in your personal life?”…Of course he knew the answer. I had grown right
next to him and knew me better than anyone else…He was aware that I was going
through a terrible heartbreak and he definitely wanted to change that, because
he couldn’t stand to see me suffering, although I was doing my best to hide it,
he told me: “The mask that you’re trying to wear while you’re here might fool
your grandma, but that won't work on me”…So I told him, everything he already knew, but needed
to hear it from me…I told him how, since high school ended, I was only hitting
walls, both professionally and personally, and that I am losing hope that I
will ever be able to commit to a real person who would want to spend the rest
of her life right next me…I told him how my high school sweetheart had left me
just as got admitted to college, how I got my heart broken by a girl that still
haunts my nights and, unconsciously, won’t let me sleep, how I was so desperate
to find that special woman and I got nowhere. I told him how, one by one, my
childhood dreams were starting to shatter away and that I was losing hope on
everything and thought that there was really nothing and no one there that
could drag me out of this dark pit of endless depressions…
He, then, shut the chessboard and
looked straight into my eyes…He was analyzing me to the smallest detail. He
wanted to know for sure if I was just a pitiful stupid boy or that what
I said was the very truth…He turned to the fire and said that he was about to
tell me a story that defined his entire life. He told me to lie back and relax
because the sun was going to set up to the sky before this story would have
“Son, this is the story of my life,
because it changed it the way I had never dreamed of. I am telling you this
only now because you need it and I believe that you are prepared to fully
understand the meaning of it…It was the summer of 1962 and I was at my parents
house when, on one day, someone from the national army came and said that he
had an enlistment order and that I had one day to pack up my things because I
was about to get detached to a military base. I knew this day would come, so I
got my stuff and get ready to leave home. My mother started crying saying that
she would give her life just for me to stay home and not get involved in any
war. I knew she couldn’t take it if I was to die, but I tried the best I could
to settle her down and reassure her that nothing would happen to me and that I
would return home safe and sane. She kept crying for the entire day, as I was
confronting my father. He was a tough, severe, strict man that won’t be moved
by anything. I told him the news and he, for the first time in my life, told me
to take care of myself and watch out for anything because the outer world is
tough and that if I was frail, I would not stand a chance. I thanked him and he
immediately left so I wouldn’t see him cry, but I could feel it. The next day had
come and the soldier that came in the other day had arrived. I hugged my
mother, shook hands my father and left with that man in his army car. In the
same day, we had arrived at the local detachment where they told me I was going
to be sent to a military base in the northern mountains of our country. For a
moment, I thought I was going to lose my breath. That place was five hundred
miles from home and, given those times, fifty years ago, there was no possible
way that I could return home in a weekend off…But shortly, I manned up and said
to myself that I was ready to do this and it’s something that I had to do. I
had traveled for three days in order to reach the specified location and
arrived there in the evening of the third day of travel. I was given a bed and
was told that the next day I will commence my military duty. I wasn’t too
thrilled by it, but I had no other option. Beginning with the next day, there
were two years I had to go through until I was allowed to go home. But then, I
realized that days will go by and I will get to meet new people and have the
time of my life in that very garrison…So, days went by, the summer was done,
and in the fall I got my first permission to go out of the garrison. I took
that opportunity to visit a nearby town. I had left on Friday morning and I was
told that I had to get back by Monday. So I set foot to see new places and meet
new people, but because it was autumn and the roads were very damaged, I had to
take my horse and rode to the town. I arrived at an inn and got a room for the
weekend. I took my horse to the inn’s stables and left to visit this part of
the country I had never seen before. I was already accommodated to the cold
weather, the fresh air and the magnificent landscape, but I didn’t get the
chance to meet people, so I went to a local tavern. I ordered some hard liquor
and sat down at some table. Of course people had already noticed that I wasn’t
from those lands and started asking me questions about my origins and what I
doing in that part of the country. The people were so friendly and I decided
that I would sit down, drink and talk with them. The next two days I returned
to that tavern where I met the same people and started drinking and talking
about all kinds of things. On Sunday morning I went to a local church and
prayed and then leave to the garrison. Another three months passed and I was
allowed again to get out in the town. It was near the Christmas time and I was
thrilled because I knew that these people were so faithful and kind I would
have a peaceful time to recover from all the hard training I had endured
through all that time. But in that very weekend something really special
happened. I had seen the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. What can I tell
you? I was all sweaty, my heart would break through my chest and I had nothing
to say to her, although in that moment I realized that was the woman I wanted
to live next to. It took me another three months so I could get in touch with
her and try and talk to her. She found my accent funny and thought that I was
different and that she liked me, too. But I had to return to the garrison, and
this time…I wasn’t allowed to leave there for six months because I had punched
another soldier. Those six months were like walking on hot coal…I couldn’t stand
the thought that I couldn’t see her. But I got through that, too and the first
time I was allowed to go to the town I had set my mind that I was going to
propose to her. I told her in the same night and she jumped into my arms,
kissed me for the first time and told me that she would like nothing more in
this world, but to spend the rest of her life next to me. The next day, she
invited me to her house, so I could meet her family, especially her parents,
whom I had to prove that I am trustworthy and that I would take great care of
their daughter, if I were to marry her. There was only one obstacle, her dad
would not accept the fact that his only daughter would marry to a man who is
not even from those parts of the country and that I would take her away with me
to settle at my parents’ house. He told me clearly that he cannot allow that to
happen, not while he is still around. He, then, asked to leave his house, never
return there and leave his daughter alone…My world was shook from its’
foundation…I was devastated…I simply didn’t know what to do. I loved her so
much and I wasn’t able to see my life continue in any way without her.
And so, my military duty was close
to the end and I was supposed to leave those lands and leave the love of my
life behind. This was by far the biggest problem I had confronted in my entire
life. So, in my last permission, I went to the town, go to the same tavern,
talk to the same people, enjoy the same drink with them(I must admit that
inside of me, I was crying my heart out, because I was aware that I was never
able to return there and see the beautiful woman who stole my heart)…I was
walking through the town, but nothing looked the same, not even the all-mighty
mountains that were overlooking the town didn’t seem so impressive, not even
the fresh air didn’t seen to puncture my lungs anymore, not even the
magnificent food didn’t seem to taste so well…In my mind, nothing was ever
going to be the same. And as I was walking through the town I see her and in
that second I start running towards her to declare my love and give away my
life for her…but she was going to the church with the entire family and her
father immediately intervened and told me that this is a sacred day for the
family and that he would not care if I was dying. In that moment I realized
that there is no getting out of it…I was about to leave that place and leave
half of my life there…On countless nights I told myself I was going to commit
suicide and put everyone in my family through great sorrow, because I didn’t care…I
just wanted everyone else to feel how much I was suffering…But there always the
thought, the hope that never died, that one day maybe, just maybe, I would see
her again…
In the next few weeks, my military
duty was done and I was sent home. I had arrived home and I received I big
welcome from my mother, who couldn’t stop from crying and a hug from my father.
I could read in their eyes that seeing me returning home safe was the biggest
satisfaction of their lives. But these had no effect on me because I still
couldn’t get through that sad feeling that a part of me is not where it
belongs, that half of me is trapped five hundred miles away from me…I just
didn’t seem to get past it, no matter how hard I had tried, nothing worked…I
spent another year at home, helping my parents out by doing the chores at the
farm…But I still wasn’t settled…
So, one day I braced up and told my
dad about everything that happened while I was enlisted...It took me a whole
day to try and explain him what I had gone through the past year and that I
couldn’t take anymore of it and that I had to see her and have her…Surprisingly,
he accepted my request to go there after her and told me that, no matter what
happened, he would always trusted my judgement because I had never failed
him…And so, the very next day, without telling anything to my mother, I left
for that small mountain town to get the love of my life back with me. The
journey was amazing, I had enjoyed every second of it, the evergreen forest,
snow covered mountain peaks, the fresh air that pierced my nostrils, everything
seemed so bright, so beautiful, and all of these because I was going through
the thrill of my life. I was bursting with excitement and couldn’t wait to get
there. In the meantime, I had got my mind set not to leave that place until I
get her. I was willing to steal her or do something crazy, because it was
her…and I couldn’t leave without her.
In the first second I got off the
train, I started running towards her house willing to accept no refuse. I got
there and tried to talk her parents into letting her daughter marry me. Even
they couldn’t believe that I went suck long of a distance to see their daughter
again, but the father remained steady on his previous answer…He would not let
his daughter marry away from home land…I had no choice…I was determined to make
her run with me. And so, in the next night I had met her in secret at a
specific location and I told her about what I was going to do…I also told her
that I can’t waste my life chasing ghosts and that if she wouldn’t follow me, I
would have to go back home…Then, with her eyes all watered up, she told me that
she was going to follow me to the end of the world because she hadn’t met
someone so special, so kind, so thoughtful…She was willing to die for me as I
was willing to die for her…In the next day she got her stuff and ran from home
in order to meet me at the train station…We left that town and we acknowledged
that might be the last time she had thrown her entire life behind…But she didn’t
care about it, because she was with me…And that was all that
mattered...Needless to say that my family gave her a big welcome and treated
her like their own relative…We started making wedding plans and, suddenly, we
realized that no one from her own family would be come…I knew that this was
going to be a big disappointment for her, if she didn’t have her family there,
at her own wedding…So, I left home and set to go to her family, alone. When I
got there I told them about the wedding and her father actually tried to kill
me…He was, then, calmed down by the entire family and accepted my invite…So,
they all came to their daughters’ wedding and finally accepted me as their
son-in-law…We had a big wedding and, as you can see right now, son, forty-six
years later, we still can’t be separated…”
Grandpa finished the story and went
to the basement to grab another bottle of wine as I was still analyzing what he
just told me. The sun was up now and night had, imperceptibly, gone…As he
returned he told me: “Son, I love you more than I love my own children, because
you have always been close to me. This is why I have told you this story, so
you could understand that the true, sincere feelings never go away and no matter what happens with your
life, no matter how rich or famous you get, if you don’t have that special
someone next to you, you’ve achieved nothing…You must always follow your heart
in this matter because your brain and instincts are useless…You must chase true
love because nothing will bring it to you, if you just stand alone, in the dark,
and cry yourself out…She is out there, I can definitely assure you of that, but
you have to go looking for it, otherwise, you will only manage to live a
lonely, unfulfilled life…You can get past any ghost of the past, any sorrow,
any enemy, if you have that ‘someone’ alongside with you…You should pick
yourself up now, because the time for stories it done”
…He opened that bottle of wine, set
the pieces on the chessboard and another day was about to begin…
5 mar. 2012
Above all...I love you,woman...
you know how it feels? Do you have any idea what it is like to be the way I
am?...No, you don’t. But of course you don’t, you’re not me…You never were and
most definitely won’t. But do you know why I’m asking?...You can’t figure that
out either, no surprise there…And yet, from the two of us, I am the one who
still can’t find the right path, the right answer…And that’s because you’re not
even trying to get beneath the question. But I don’t mind, I could never hold
anything negative against you. From the two of us, I am the one who is trying
day after day, night after night to find a way to make this right…To make this
work and be, for once in my life, settled, care-free and contempt with
myself…And it seems that no matter how hard I struggle, how hard I fight, it
doesn’t even matter anymore if I try or not…The result will always be same one
I have concluded for all this time…You probably still don’t have even the
slightest idea of what I am talking about…And you’re right to be (by now, you
probably even lost interest in this, and I don’t blame you). So, without any
other introduction, I will proceed straight to my point. The thing I’ve been
trying to fight, I’ve been trying figure out…Is loneliness, isolation…Not being
able to find that one thing that seemed to have always slipped through the tips
of my fingers…
know, for quite a time, I thought I will never be able to find the answer. But,
no matter how hard it got to go through the nights or how punishing it was, I
had never given up, although that crossed my mind more than a few times...And,
finally, the answer came to me…and it was YOU…Yes, it is true. For all this
time, the answer was right in front of me…For so many lost nights I had stayed
up until the dusk, wanting to give up, willing to lose any hope,
self-sacrificing myself into an excruciating fate of solitude and sorrowful
regrets…But, no matter how dark was the sky at night, no matter if any stars
were there for me…I’ve fought my battles and, finally, came to the end of the
imprisoning incertitude…You are here, and I am finally aware of you presence.
still…you have no idea who is YOU, do you? Well, of course you don’t…How could
you? YOU is, in fact, a woman…YOU is “the woman”…each and every single one of
them. And you want to know why? Because I, being a man, will always be
attracted to you and will always keep you safe by my side, doing the best there
is to be done to protect you from harms…Because I want you in my arms, at the
end of the day, looking out the window, see the perfect sunset and know that
this is all I ever wanted and as long as I have you…No wrong will be done to
me. Because I want to give you the first snowdrop in the spring…I want to take
you in my arms whenever I hear our song and, with your head lying on my chest,
slowly start dancing…I want to get to sleep with your arms wrapped around my
waist…I want to hold you in my arms and smell your beautiful ocean-scented
fragrance…I want to do all these things, and so many more…Because you deserve
it, because, in my eyes, you’re the only one who will ever make me feel
right…Because…I love you. I know, these days, the word itself has been
denigrated, ran over by the nobodies of the world…Because they had never known
the purity of the feeling and never will…Because love isn’t for anyone… Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it
does not boast and it’s not proud. It does not dishonor others, it’s not
self-seeking, it is not easily angered and it keeps no record of wrongs. Love
does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects,
always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love is the
desire to give up what is yours to another and
feel as if her happiness is yours. Love is the
one way to make a part of your dreams come to life. Love doesn’t mean staring
at one another, it means looking together in the same direction. Love is the
time and space, all measured up with your heart. Love is not the resemblance of
two persons, but the mistery between them. Love is the glow that turns the daily
society’s dust into golden fog…But overall,
love never fails…For so long, love has been replaced by vulgarity, alongside
with shallowness and insensibility…Well, I am no like that. Comparing with the fantasy
love stories that I got in my head, all these are nothing but carnal sins,
proving once again that human being has gotten to far from the original state,
being closer to a eternal damnation to suffering than salvation from the self-induced
I’ve grown to be sick and tired of all these…I’ve had enough of this social
degradation of the sick human mind…I want to live and love…And truth to be told…I
would always choose to love and be loved by the same person at any point of my
life, because then, at that very point, I would be most certain that I have the
only three things that matter: ”I am at the right place, at the right time and
by the only person that truly matters”…I often get this question crossed me by
a lot of people: “If you had to choose between money and love, what would your
pick be?”…I just want to say that the answer will always be the same and will
come in the same way, in a heart beat: “Definitely, love”. And the certainty
will come from this one single scenario that I dream of and will probably never
going to be able to get out of my head: “I am in my mid-thirties, I am at home,
my own home, with my family…It’s late, the sun has set for some time now and I get
to bed. I stop by my daughter’s bedroom and watch her sleep…She’s the light of
my life and she couldn’t be more beautiful…I am standing by her door and
silently admire her when my wife comes and, form the back, takes me in her arms,
her skin is soft like silk and her scent lights my day, kissing my neck and
telling me how grateful she is that I am always there for them and that she
would give up everything just to know that her only offspring is fine…I turn
towards her…She is as gorgeous as the first day I saw her (my little angel
resembles her so much) and I feel that is the right place to be…I will forever
love her and would never give up on her, not even the world would come to an
end…I’ll always be the man she needs, the husband she relies on and the friend
she trusts…”. Call me brain-damaged…I don’t care. That is the perfect scenario
for me. And you want to know why? Because I would have love…Love can make me
take on everyone, get through the worst nightmares, the most punishing
depressions and the loneliest days of my life…As far as I know there will
always be somebody at the other end who is willing to share my suffering and
get me out of it because I mean something to her...I can rise above any sorrow,
disappointment or regret...
up people!!! Where there is no love…there is no humanity…Without love we are
nothing but machines punished to endure the same Sisyphus’s rut each and every
day, without any escape…Love makes people dream, makes them think, makes them
believe… Believe there is deliverance, and that their resolve is a beautiful
one, making cheerful and contempt with themselves, because then, and no moment
else, people would know that their life hadn’t been in vain…Love makes people
go wild with their feelings…It messes up all your organism…You can’t breathe
easy, your heart is going nuts and you’re not able to think at all…Yes, it is
true, love does make people make stupid decision that they give very little
thought of…But the rush is unbelievable…Without love, people are numb, they are
bored and they go deep inside dark depressions…Boredom is the
unstable equilibrium of the void of the world and emptiness of heart, that
would mean numbness, if we weren’t aware
of the secret desire
that lies within each and everyone of them...This is nothing but my
point of view…Actually, it’s more than that…It’s a wake up call…To each and
everyone of you…And if I had made one person give it a thought, then that would
mean I hadn’t lived for nothing…Feelings make us who we are…Nowadays, the
others know you by your wisdom or stupidity, whether you’re beautiful or not…Feelings
don’t matter any more, and that leads to further degradation of the current
society, and that would mean that we had been going a long time through history…accomplishing
I love
you, woman! I love you, because you make me smile when I have a bad day, because
you make me cry when I realize how fortunate I am to have you by my side,
because you grab my body in your arms and take my head to your chest and make
me truly believe that no matter what happens, we will always be all right,
because I wake up with you in my mind every day and feel confident about
myself, because every night I get to bed I got you in my dreams, because you
are the one who listens to my problems and you are the one that gets the
through them, because you are the one who gives me the good advice when I need
it, because you kiss me every time I need you, because your voice will pull me
to the surface from every letdown, because the touch of your skin makes me
dream with my eyes wide open, because your scent makes me feel I can fly,
because your eyes put a spell on my heart, because your smile takes me to that
special place where I have fallen in love with you, because …Because without
you…I don’t exist…
And that’s
why…Above all…I love you, woman!
19 feb. 2012
...Lifetime of disappointments...
…She stands on a cliff at the
shoreline…She’s full of sorrow and regrets…She feels she’s let down the one
person who’s been next to her all that time when she needed it…She knows he’s
done everything for her and has been by her side all the times when it mattered…She
feels so useless, she feels she’s thrown all her youth away and that she
could’ve done more…and she should’ve…but she chose to just have a great time in
life while she was still young…and she has…but she couldn’t see that he’s been
in her life for an eternity and from all the people, he was the one who got to
her the most…but she wouldn’t even consider him as a possible boyfriend, let
alone spending the rest of her life by his side…
In order for all of these to have
any sense, I will take you twenty-three years ago, when both of them were at
the peak of their life…They were both fifteen, he was just a little bit older
than her, but that didn’t change anything. You could say they were best friends
at that time. They understood each other so well, they were talking a lot, on
messenger, by texts, on the phone, it didn’t matter…What can I say, they were
best friends. They were both studying at the same high school and were desk
mates. His dream was to become a railway engineer, and hers’, to be a singer…They
were seeing each other almost daily. They were talking about everything. It
didn’t matter for them, because they knew they can help the other in any matter
because they were the only one who were getting along that well. They were
practically inseparable, excepting the fact that they didn’t share a bed in a
condo. They’ve just met and it was the beginning of high school. For them, it
was like instant chemistry and you could say they felt it even before it even
started. At least, they met, they talked…a lot…and about anything and
everything. They had so much to share, so many things in common, so many things
to talk about, because they both saw that they agreed so well on most of things
and hated almost the same, as well…And even all the way through high school,
they were best friends and no one could stay between them because they looked
so strong, so confident together, they had each other and there wasn’t a thing
that could separate them. They practically flew by through high school and both
got in college, were they…continued everything they had started almost four
years ago…
Now, they were both adults and
things seemed to change a little bit…At first, they continued their friendship
on the same note, sharing everything and talking about anything. The time flew
by them and they were already in the first semester of their sophomore
year…They were both getting back from the summer break. He had just returned
from New Zealand,
the country he has always wanted to visit, and, for him, it was heaven on Earth.
The trip was extraordinary and he’s done everything he has dreamed for a
lifetime…He studied about the Maori civilization, he saw the wonderful
mountains, and climbed almost all of them, he even learned how to play rugby,
from his favorite team, the New Zealand national rugby team, the “All
Blacks”…For him, this trip had just one flaw…She wasn’t there along with
him…Because, for all this time, he had cared for her more than he believed, and
being away from her made him realize that she was the one thing that was
missing in his life…The more and more time he spent away from her, he realized
that she is the one for him and that he would be nothing but a bitter
disappointment in his eyes if he didn’t have her next to him for the rest of
his life…He even thought about it all this time, he had changed his mind
several times, he thought he was just confused and that he hadn’t known until
then how it is to have a true friendship that lasts for a long time…But he even
tried to approach this problem in different ways…He hadn’t accomplished
anything…Now, for him, it was a big matter, for several reasons…One of them
stood above everything: “they were friends”…and that was all that they would
ever be. Unfortunately, he had to return to his native country and continue his
studies…Shortly after he returned, they met…But there was something different.
She was still happy as always, as he’ll forever recall her, but there was a
reason for that…She was engaged…I know, now you will say that people don’t get
engaged after just one summer together, but she had a certain particularity in
her personality, which made her the perfect person for him, she was always
spontaneous…He could even recall all those nights in their first year in
college, where she would call him in the middle of the night, it was spring,
and they hung out until sunrise, because they both loved to see it with any
occasion…But now, getting back at that moment, she was with another guy,
and…Things between them didn’t seem to go as well as they did before…They were
still taking, like once every two or three days, but it was different…He felt
thrown away, like some used shirt that you just leave somewhere and forget
about it…And he felt abandoned, too…She had now someone else to share
everything and, above all, she seemed to have strong feelings for that
guy(shortly, she got to marry him)…He tried to keep everything bottled up and,
for a fair amount of time, he had managed to do that with success. Years went
by, he finished his studies (she never got to finish hers, being married
several times) and got a job offer in a very successful company in Monte
Carlo…He accepted it on the spot, hoping that he would
be too concerned about his job and that he would forget about her. But she
remained behind, married and deep in love with her current husband. He had to
leave, he had no other choice but to suffer for the rest of his life…At that
point, when he left the country, he called her to meet and talk, for that is a
very important thing in his life and that he felt that he had to share it with
his closest friend…But she refused, telling him that she was going out with her
husband and that she couldn’t do anything about it…That was the only thing he
needed to know: she didn’t want to have anything to do with him, because she was
happy and didn’t want to share that with anyone but her husband…
He quickly packed up his things and
got in the first flight to Monte Carlo.
He hadn’t mentioned any of it to her, because he didn’t want to disturb her
perfect life with anything…The next day, he was already there, checked into a
hotel and ready to start a new life, doing everything that he had dreamed of.
He started working and he was as happy as he would ever be. Professionally, he
was doing great, in fact, he was at his best, he had great co-workers which
made his job even better. Shortly, he started to meet new people, which became
his friends, because he was so talkative and open to everything new…He even
managed to buy his own place in less than three months and had more money than
he knew what to do with them…On these plans, he was doing amazing, and had all
the time in the world to be more focused on his current life and job, and
because of those things, in two years-time he got to be the CEO of that
company, which now was worldwide spread and had headquarters on every
continent…His life couldn’t be more successful…He had designed a revolutionary
system to build railway tunnels on long distances underwater and owned more
than 70% of all the railways in the
world and, because of that, he got to be in the top twenty most richest people
in the world…He had visited everything that there is to visit, he climbed up
the Everest, he had done successful expeditions in the Rub-al-Khad visited
everything that there is to visit, he climbed up the Everest hali, the
Antarctica and The North Pole. He was still fascinated about all kinds of
animals in the world and had created natural reservations for them all around
the world, in order for them to avoid extinction. Three was nothing for him to
do next, but the one thing he never managed to accomplish…”She” wasn’t there
for him…In his social life, he was doing fantastic, everybody liked him,
because he truly was a unique person which anybody would want to have in their
life. He knew how to a true friend and had lots of partners all over the world
and kept good business relationships with all of them…But he has
unfulfilled…Why?...Because of “Her”…Because she didn’t exist for him and
because he had failed to confess his feelings long time ago, when he was supposed
to…Now, twenty-three years later, he’s standing on the deck of his Monte Carlo
house and he prepares to deliver a message which, by the time he would finish
what was on his heart and get to the one person that needed to see that
message, would end his life…He turns on the recording camera, he is wearing the
black tuxedo that mattered so much to him(he had worn it the first time at his
prom where he and she were declared king and queen of the prom…he knew she
would recognize it)…He is now talking on a lowered voice about all the things
he had been doing all this time he was away and the one true blank spot in his
life was her and that he is tired of everything and wants to end, because he
would not endure any more suffering…He is full of regrets…You could tell that
by his lowered look(not even could he look straight into her eyes)…He finishes
what he had to say by telling her he would be dead by the time she got the tape
and that he is sorry for everything wrong he has ever done to her…He ends the
message with a short “I will forever love you” and closes the camera…He would now proceed to hang himself...
In the same day…She gets the tape,
she was now divorced the fourth time, after four unsuccessful marriages, she
plays the tape, she watches it through the end and…She is blown…She never saw it,
it was obvious to her all this time, but she never considered it a
possibility…She , then, bursts into tears and tries to get away as soon as
possible…She goes to the one place she felt like home at every time in her
life…The seaside…And now, we’re back in the present time…She is now,
forty-two…she’s been through a rough life and she realizes that her true life
should’ve been by his side…She is standing on those cliffs, she is full of
tears and, on that instant, decides it is time to end her life as well, because
right at that moment she realized that her life has no meaning anymore…She
jumps…she gets crushed by the massive rocks…And dies…
...And that was it...After a lifetime of struggling...After going through so many things...They both ended dead...his ashes are now at the Eden Park Stadium of Auckland and her body is buried into the sea and, at the end of their lives, they left nothing behind and went through all these for nothing...They've gone through hell just to die...
14 feb. 2012
...No deliverance...
I've always looked for happiness ... I dreamed spending nights under the moonlight ... Being just me and me alone, being surrounded only by darkness, cold, everything that is pure ... That night will not come, nothing will be like before ... Everything was so perfect .... Even the Moon, The Queen of the Night, before which not even the smallest cloud dared to settle, looked at me approvingly as I may stay and join that absolute silence ... so quiet, nothing seemed to venture, not even to stand out, to break that well defined pattern.
Even I was afraid to whisper. Fearful, I was hurt and suffering, I fitted almost perfectly in that magnificent landscape. I was doing nothing but to sit and contemplate and fight the inevitable struggle for liberation ... In all this kingdom of darkness, where the great flood of cold air abounded the atmosphere, in which the Moon itself kept watch above everything, here I wanted to save myself ...
Tormented by many failures and disappointments, the lost soul had stayed in that pit of darkness for too long ... Full of sorrow, hatred and suffering, this innocent soul was crying out for help ... He only wanted to be saved, to acknowledge joy, happiness and banish loneliness ...
Could he, in all his innocence, break the chains of failure and escape the Sisyphean torment? In this prison built by himself there can be no break ... The walls are too high, the handcuffs are too tight and the bars are too cold. No one can escape. The soul, his own prisoner, will not be able to leave without hurting himself again ...
How beautiful were the times when he could be free ... He could enjoy everything. He could love sincerely and passionately ... His heart knew happiness ...
A singular blow was enough ... He was killed in one shot ... That huge shock destroyed him and cast him into darkness and sentenced him to eternal suffering ...
After all this time, the wounds are still open, the memories are alive and will not in any way to disappear, the pain is so real, there are so many so many that not even time would be able to mend him ...
It's been almost a year in which the poor soul has taken hit after hit, failure after failure ... He only managed to widen in solitude and everything seemed to go to a more and more imminent conviction. The only hope were his own writings, but they only proved to be just some other disappointments ... He was deceiving himself, believing he can get out of that imprisonment , that being with his loved ones would cure him, and set him free ... He was able not to share his little love left, but give it all to make the person next to him happy, and thus he would become happy again, in order to feed himself on the happiness that he created ... He would fuel his thirst for happiness from the joy and the smiling faces that he gave to those around them ... But put another failure blacklist, another let-down that would make him be more sad and lose all hope ...
Lost, without that hope, knowing that everything is in vain, there was no more struggling from the soul and no will to escape. Tired of caring so many fight within himself, tired and mostly finished from so many attempts, losing all his will for salvation, the soul will not leave the dark abyss...
...There is no deliverance for that soul...
Even I was afraid to whisper. Fearful, I was hurt and suffering, I fitted almost perfectly in that magnificent landscape. I was doing nothing but to sit and contemplate and fight the inevitable struggle for liberation ... In all this kingdom of darkness, where the great flood of cold air abounded the atmosphere, in which the Moon itself kept watch above everything, here I wanted to save myself ...
Tormented by many failures and disappointments, the lost soul had stayed in that pit of darkness for too long ... Full of sorrow, hatred and suffering, this innocent soul was crying out for help ... He only wanted to be saved, to acknowledge joy, happiness and banish loneliness ...
Could he, in all his innocence, break the chains of failure and escape the Sisyphean torment? In this prison built by himself there can be no break ... The walls are too high, the handcuffs are too tight and the bars are too cold. No one can escape. The soul, his own prisoner, will not be able to leave without hurting himself again ...
How beautiful were the times when he could be free ... He could enjoy everything. He could love sincerely and passionately ... His heart knew happiness ...
A singular blow was enough ... He was killed in one shot ... That huge shock destroyed him and cast him into darkness and sentenced him to eternal suffering ...
After all this time, the wounds are still open, the memories are alive and will not in any way to disappear, the pain is so real, there are so many so many that not even time would be able to mend him ...
It's been almost a year in which the poor soul has taken hit after hit, failure after failure ... He only managed to widen in solitude and everything seemed to go to a more and more imminent conviction. The only hope were his own writings, but they only proved to be just some other disappointments ... He was deceiving himself, believing he can get out of that imprisonment , that being with his loved ones would cure him, and set him free ... He was able not to share his little love left, but give it all to make the person next to him happy, and thus he would become happy again, in order to feed himself on the happiness that he created ... He would fuel his thirst for happiness from the joy and the smiling faces that he gave to those around them ... But put another failure blacklist, another let-down that would make him be more sad and lose all hope ...
Lost, without that hope, knowing that everything is in vain, there was no more struggling from the soul and no will to escape. Tired of caring so many fight within himself, tired and mostly finished from so many attempts, losing all his will for salvation, the soul will not leave the dark abyss...
...There is no deliverance for that soul...
13 feb. 2012
biggest failure of my life...what was it? How did it make me feel? These are
easy questions but with a high difficulty to recall. We all experience failure,
when we fail an important exam for wich we studied hard, or don’t manage to
achieve our goals or succeed in our plans. But the biggest failure is when we
realise that we are nothing but a big disappointment, with others and even ourselves.
The failure I consider most major is
so important that if it wouldn’t have happened, my life would have been
different by now. And I am talking about disappointing a certain person in
particular. We, guys always seek for the perfect balance between looks,
personality and skill when it comes to choosing a girl and that balance is hard
to find, but I was a lucky. She was great to me, nice looks, cute, awesome
crazy personality and intelligence. We were made for each other, and we have
been …until some point. She had one big flaw that I could have been able to
cope with, but I refused to do so because of lack of interest: she was too sentimental.
She was living in her own designed world, read psychological books, saw
psychedelic films and more, she was so upfront about expressing her feelings. I
mean, I was too, but to me expressing my feeling resumed to a short “I love
you”. I was seeing her daily suffering because I was too much of an “earthling”
and could not meet her psychological needs. I was too much of a self centered
egomaniac, took everything for granted and not even once tried to change in the
direction she asked me to and did not take advice, suggestion or any complaint
from her. My problem is not that I can’t be profound as well, because I can, my
problem is that I didn’t even tried to be. I know how to analyze my feelings, I
also know how to talk about them and I like things that are psychologically
stirring. Is just that I kept those moments for myself and did not share them
with her, and when she was willing to share hers, her voice would hit a deaf
wall. Walls are even better, because they vibrate and thus answer back, me , on
the other hand, I was stiff as dead.
Now, my biggest regret is that I
failed to listen to her and to try to cope, and therefore she preferred
loneliness. Moreover, she even gave me a heads-up about the suffering she was
experiencing because of me, but I thought it was just a phase that all women
have. When she pronounced herself for the last time I managed to have a quick
glance at the inside of her world, but it was already too late. The core of my
world...shattered, I was the one who knocked down the pole of my reality. And
in the suffering and loneliness that followed, I felt what was like to live in
her world. For a couple of months I was no longer human. While with the others
I was forced to wear very thick mask so that no one would see the monster I
turned into underneath, when I was alone I would take my mind to the place
where she laughed with her beautiful smile, held me tight in her arms and
showed me all the love a mentalist like her could show. Doing this, I often
fell asleep on a wet pillow and my dream carried on, until her face started to
become disfigured with pain and I started to grow fangs and big claws, and tear
her apart. At first, after our braking up, I blamed her and even tried to hurt
her some more, but I realized that all those accuses were only a lame attempt
to gain redemption and convince myself that my inner monster is just a little
Now she is seeing another guy,
probably a Philosophy student, and I assume he is making her happy, but not as
happy as I could have made her is I only gave it a little try. So failing at holding
to the only human being that was perfect to me, and more, failing to do so
because of my own indifference and egocentrism is the biggest failure of my
life. I lost her because I preferred watching sports instead, because I was too
caught with myself, because I assumed that everything is lawfully mine instead
of seeing what really means in life, spending time with the loved ones.
...I failed at life
itself...And now it's over...
12 feb. 2012
If today was my last day
There is this ancient saying that goes like this:”Dream as if you live forever. Live as if you die tomorrow” and I am sure that every single one of us has been at least once confronted to this idea,of premature death.Not once we heard of people that were given diagnosis such as they have only a couple of months to live and we cannot stop on wondering what would it be like if I died tomorrow?
So , assuming that today was my last day alive, I would focus myself on two directions. Firstly, from a physical point of view, considering my limited resources that I am given now, I will most likely go visit my close relatives, my best friends and problably, waiting for my final moments I will retire to the closest place that i like best, a place where I can gather all of my mind, where I can enjoy the peace that we all long for during our speedfull lives. Or, I could chose, in order to spare the tears and the suffering of my loved one, to unknowingly say a quiet goodbye before leaving.
Secondly, the most important part in this last day would be meditating. Though I was supposed to run all day long in order to catch up and do my last activities as a human being before leavin the world, in my last day of living, the really intense activity will be in my mind. Before an individual dies he usually focuses his ideas on two directions. One, it is our instinct as living beings to always have questions about our future. So the most natural idea in my time of dying would be :”What is after life? What will it happend to me after I pass to the other side'?”. Some would be frightened, thinking about the doctrines they were taught regarding sinning and hell... but not me. I belive that beyond death, there is nothing. Your body just stops functioning, your brain stops thinking and once that happens your mind ceases all activity. As for the ‚'soul'... well, the soul is just a projection of the mind so it dies together with the brain. There are no lava rivers, no devils with spiky spears, no screaming and suffering. There is nothing. But most likely, the idea most people compare to hell, I would name it to be the very last seconds of living, in which- and here comes the second direction your mind runs towards- I would think about all the things I have done, places I’ve seen, tears I have cried, laughes I caused, girls I kissed, hugs and handshakes, swearing and rage, love and friendship, hate and suffering, caring and devotion, moments I have cried myself to sleep and moment I have cried laughing, moments when I've seen my enemy smiling and moments when I’ve seen my mother smiling, moments of thriving and moments of regression, moments of fail and moments of success.
And then, I cannot but wonder, what am I leaving in this world, what will be proof of my existence in this world? But also, the moment of most intense sorrow is when you ask yourself regarding the things that you could have done in the future and even past, and then is when you realise that you could have done so much more but never had the will to. You start regreting the moments you hit a defenseless dog, or broke down your neighbour’s window, or made your mother cry, or shouted at your best friend, or made fun of a less fortunate kid,or chose to remain home alone instead of sharing moments with others. And you also think about what you could have done, about how proud you would have been seeing your child taking his first „A” in school, your first job promotion, your long desired trip abroad, your first grandchild’s words. Regrets torment your soul in the very last moments when all you long for is inner peace. That is what hell looks like, I believe- living your last moments with regrets and unfulfiled wishes.
... Or maybe, I can be one of the lucky and live my last moments with peace , convinced that no matter what I have done, I will be pleased with only I will have been achieved until then....
11 feb. 2012
Love hurts...
Love hurts,especially when you give your heart to someone who barely knows you exist, to someone who insists on plowing through strange, stupid guys, who could never love her the way you do, leaving you outside alone and in a bottomless pit of oblivion, wishing with all your heart that she would come to her senses and realize that her true happiness lies with you and no one else, but knowing these all along will only smash you harder to the ground...And it will never happen, because she's a selfish, immature, heartless bitch...But good guys will always be there, because every woman has that one man she goes back to, heartbroken, scared, hopeless...It doesn't matter!!!But nobody knows why, not even her(That's probably why: "Good guys finish last")
Girls and women(because there is a big difference between them) always seem to have this tendency to find those guys who will hurt them, who will get them through thrills, who will eventually leave them heartbroken and in a pond of sorrow and they will still go on after those kind of men.
Now everyone will try and tell me that I am picking up on women...Well, I didn't mean that, really.I just wanted to point out some things that happen, and that they are wrong and should be fixed.
It's just that nobody should feel alone.I mean, it is all right with having friends and hang out and doing all those funny things you do with them, whether you're going bowling or just have a night out with the closed ones or maybe you're going out in a club and just let all your frustrations at the front door...The next day, those feelings will be back and you will end up feeling sorry for you again...And let's face it: How many friends are there for you when you really need someone to stand by your side?It's only my perception of it but, actually, there is nobody.And you want to know why?Because friends are overrated.They will only be close to you when your are at your best and you got the world lying at your feet, and they're right to be.I just want to say that you shouldn't bother your friends with your problems because they have their own and you don't even see that because you are too busy trying to figure a way out of your own.
But, I've drifted away...Bottom line is that tough times aren't for friends, for they are for that special one who is by your side, no matter of...anything!!!I've been looking for that person and I, myself have broken that rule and did my best to get a few women out of their misery, because they were hurt by some random jerk who would pretend to have feelings for them and them dump them at the first chance they got.And i felt sorry for them, I really did, because I know how it is to feel broken, beat, scared and to have have absolutely no one to get you out of your endless day-to-day routine of just feeling like hell and regretting every thought and feeling you put in for that ungrateful one who left you down in the dumps.I just want to point out that when the real hard times come there will be absolutely nobody for you to truly help you with your problem, but "the one", that "one" we're all looking for.Some of us have found it, some think they have but they're actually heading to a bitter disappointment and the rest haven't...
Somehow, it's frustrating, because if you are one of the people who are still looking for "the other half"(quotation i despise!), you find out it's not even close to a walk in the park and that the road to finding that person is more than full of shallow people who have no clue who you are or what you feel, making them unable to acknowledge they are desecrating a thing that could be beautiful, thrilling and give them the time of their life...for the rest of their life.Nevertheless, when you think you've found that person it is more than critical that the other person feels the same, otherwise there are two get that person immediately out of your life!(this is the easy one, although it never is, letting someone go being as hard as nails) and 2.staying friends with that certain someone(which, let's admit it, no matter how good looks at first, at some point you will find yourself in that position where you discover the person that you like so much falls in love for someone else and you...can't do anything about it, because she'll never think of you as you think of her, moreover, she'll consider you her friend which, in my view, is a terrible thing)
Drawing the line to this "whatever-it-is", I just want to say that I am sick tired of all these and that, somehow, i have to end it...Don't know how, but eventually, that "romantic" part of me will die, because it has to...
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